Partial Hand Amputee Podcast with guest Jeff Soelberg

In this episode of the we’re not stumped podcast, I’m extremely happy to have Jeff Soelberg as my guest. I first saw Jeff at the Amputee Coalition annual event in Desert Springs where he conducted a session that was titled “Bringing Awareness of the Struggles for Finger Amputees”. One of the things I learned during his session was that most insurance companies consider fingers cosmetic items that don’t need prosthetics. As I later got to know Jeff a bit more, it came as no surprise that he was putting on a session at the conference because giving back is something he has now done for many years. Listen as I talk to Jeff about his story, his giving back and what’s next with his foundation.

More about Jeff:

More about Mike:

More about Mike’s foundation:

#amputee #amputeestrong #staypositive

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By |2024-02-01T18:48:52-07:00September 19th, 2022|We're not Stumped Amputee Podcast|Comments Off on Partial Hand Amputee Podcast with guest Jeff Soelberg

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